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Material Culture Conference 2019

The JewsEast team organized a conference on the material culture evidence for Jewish-Christian interaction from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean ... continue reading

26-28/03/2019 - Bochum, Germany

The JewsEast team in the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) collaborated with the Ben-Zvi Institute (BZI) of the Hebrew University (HU) in Jerusalem and with the Center for the Study of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations (JCMCentre) of the Open University in Ra’anana in organizing a workshop ... continue reading.

The team of JewsEast - recently in the news ... continue reading.

Some recent impressions from the field ... continue reading.

Summer School at CEU Budapest: Jews and Christians between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean: Co-existence and Conflict 600-1800 CE; 10-21 July 2017 ... continue reading.

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 647467). Over the coming five years, the research project will be funded with approx. two million Euros. 
© 2016 JewsEast | Design: Verena Krebs | Imprint

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